Friday, April 20, 2012

Hoga Island

Reef on Hoga Island's sea
This is an information about one of beautiful island in Indonesia. This is about Wakatobi Islands, Wakatobi Regency, Eastern Sulawesi. On the olden days, Wakatobi Islands is called Tukang Besi (blacksmith) Islands. This islands consist of many small and big islands, that save a lot of nature beauty. One of them is Hoga Island. Hoga Island is an island that looks greenish in the middle of the ocean, located on the eastern of Kaledupa Island. Sea water around Hoga Island is blue and clear. There is a line of atolls and lagoons, and the sea also densed by coral reefs many kind of fish and another sea creatures. In Hoga Island's sea also often seen dolphins and whales.
When arrive on this island we served with sparkling white sands exposed in the sunlight. This island is a paradise for diving and snorkeling. The marine park on Hoga Island's sea offers an unparalleled million charm. On this island we also can sunbathing, and see sea living from the boat. We can see turtle but on certain seasons when turtle nesting.
Dolphin on Hoga Island's sea
In another hand, while we enjoying the nature beauty, we can eat tradisional seafood, which very delicious. This food is like sashimi in Japan. This food was made from fresh fish meat that was marinated on lime water for about 15 minutes. This food was called “Perangi”. This is a delicious Hoga sashimi.
Hoga Island can reach by speedboat from Wakatobi regency. This transportation can be hired for IDR 150.000.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Samalona Island

If you are looling for a new place to escape from the ordinary day, maybe you can consider this island. This is one more of Indonesia's nature beauty. Samalona Island is located in Makassar, western of Wajo sub-district, Nort Sulawesi, Indonesia. To reach this island is not too difficult, you just need a plane tickets to go to Makassar. Then from Makassar, you go to Losari Beach, and then go to Samalona Island by boat that can be reted from locals fisherman. The boat cost is about 300.000-500.000IDR for 10 passenger, but you can bargain this cost with the owner. The trip to Samalona Island is about 30-45 minutes, then you can enjoyed your day on this attractive island.
In this beautiful island, you will feel like have a private island. Samalona Island is a deserted island, with an area of 100 square meters and inhabited only by about 16 head of household. Actually, in olden days, this island is board enough. But one day almost half of this island hit by big waves. That's why people who want to visit this island are suggested to don't go here on January till April because of wind and waves are very big. 
When you arrive on this island, you will be welcomed by white sands, fresh air without pollution, and clear blue sea water. In Samalona Island you can rent “Baruga”, a guest house with cost 250.000 IDR/day. On the evening you can wait sunset while looking around this small island. In the morning, if you want to see sunrise, you must wake up earlier. Sunset and sunrise in Samalona Island is so beautiful. There are also an old light-house that still used.
Samalona Island has circular cluster of coral, that are inhabited by many kind of sea animals. You also can enjoyed magnificent marine park on this island sea. When you are diving, if you are lucky, you can see star-fish and sea-horse.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Jemur Island

Some people think that Jemur Island as same as Jemor Island. Actually both of that island are different island. Jemor Island is Malaysia’s island, but Jemur Island is Indonesia’s island. Some times ago, there are a problem between Indonesia and Malaysia about owner of this island. Jemur Island located in Riau Islands Province, Indonesia. People in Rokan Hilir coast called this island, “Pak-ku”, that in Hokkian dialect meant “Turtle from the North”. This island is inhabitant, only be visiting place for local fisherman because of the sea around of Jemur Island produce many fish. To visit Jemur Island, we can rent fisherman boat or speedboat that can bring 60-100 passengers from Bagan Siapi-api dock. Trip to this island is about two hours.
On this island could find some building for Indonesian marine soldier to live here, for navigation and observation purpose. Jemur Island is the most outer island of Indonesia, that direct border with Malaysia region. That’s why Indonesia government set the national soldier to guard this border. There is also a small park faced to the sea. For Moeslim people, there is a comfortable and clear mosque. Jemur Island has golden-yellow sands and clear sea water. Because of that beauty scenery, people called Jemur island as “Emerald in Malaya Strait”. We can do snorkeling or swimming on there. Another thing that is attractive here are green turtles. This species of green turtles only could find in water around Jemur Island. The best time to see green turtles is on the midnight, rarely, if we are lucky we can see the turtle spawn their eggs.
Green turtle in Jemur Island sea
In other hand, there are many historical monuments of Japanese colonial. There are Gua Jepang ( Japan cave), light house, rest of Japan Ford, Panglima Layar Stone, and many more.
Unfortunately, logistic necessary in Jemur Island still not enough so we must take our necessary from the mainland.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Nusalaut Island

Nusalaut's marine park
Nusalaut is an island located in Noth Maluku Province. This island also known as Anyo-Anyo Island. Nusalut's topography is hilly as same as Ambelau Island's topography. On the Maluku Legend, Nusalaut was believed to be Ambelau's older brother. Village in this island located in the coast region. If you want to visit Nusalaut, but you don't want to go there by longboat, you could be by road. But, this road still bad and bumpy, only could through by two-wheeled vehicles.
Actually, Nusalaut well known by foreign tourists,they often visit there on September till April. This because of in Ameth Village many tourist want to see marine park. In this island also found object of cultural heritage, like old church, a statue of the hero Martha Christina Tijahahu, and old ford.
On this island, can be found in the form of plant spices cloves and nutmeg to reach thousands of hectares. These results make the Europeans and colonists came to Indonesia and to the Maluku. Nusalaut Island is born place of Indonesian National hero, Martha Christina Tijahahu, that's why there are a statue of her.
In other hand, Nusalaut has beautiful nature scenery and attractive marine park. Route to go to Nusalaut Island is by plane to go to Ambon. Then followed by trip to Tulehu Harbour, and go to Nusalaut Island by boat.

Reef in Nusalaut's sea

Friday, March 23, 2012

Babi Island

Bangka Belitung, a place that sometimes called Belitong or Billiton, in olden days is named of one kind of sea snail. This province is the place that used for made “Laskar Pelangi ” Film, and popular because of its beautiful nature. But Bangka Belitung still has another interesting places, one of them is Babi Island. Babi Island in English: Pig Island, located in Bangka Belitung Province, near Lengkuas Island. Babi Island also known as Kepayang Island, so when your boat arrive in Babi Island’ s beach, the name on the sign board is Kepayang Island. This island can be seen from Lengkuas Island, and Lengkuas Island can be seen from Babi Island and another small island around it. Actually, at the 17th century, Belitung Island became one of trade route of merchants, Lengkuas Island – Bird Island – Babi Island.  From Lengkuas Island, Babi Island can be reached by foot when sea water decreases. From Babi Island also can be seen another island, like Burung Island (Bird island), where many kind bird will fly all around to greet you. Or an island full with granite, that became one of bismuth mine.
Most of the people more often go to Lengkuas Island, but actually, they also must visit Babi Island. Babi Island is not a big island, and this island is uninhabited Island, it vegetation is dominated by coconut trees. Babi Island is one of the most attractive diving spot in Belitung.

Nobody knows why did the island was named Babi (pig) Island. Maybe in olden days, there are pig farm there, although there are not pigs around this island now, but who knows? Character of Babi Island as same as another island around it, white sands, granite stones, grass, and coconut trees. The granite stones all around Babi Island are very big, some people say the name “Babi (Pig)” Island connected with this giant stones, which said like a pig. Another people connected the name with “Jin Babi” or “Limpai”, an evil spirit in the Belitung legend, a kind of pig that believed it size is very big. Some opinion said that the granite stones look like another shape, like whale, bird beak, or cakil (a giant who has big long under teeth). Its sea is calm, with little waves. In some side of the center the sea, there is big granite stones appear from the sea water. Its black color is contras with blue color of the sea and sky, where white clouds move slowly. Its reefs are not green or full color, most of them colored soft brown. The marine life consists mostly of corals, small reef fish. Sometimes in the beach can be found sea stars with much kind light colors. There are a sand bank that usually visited by many kind of bird when sea water decrease.

Sand-bank in Babi Island
In back side of this island, can be seen a light house of Lengkuas Island. Although this light house, that was made in 1882, begins to rust in many side, it still stand solid, it is an icon of Belitung Island.The most beautiful scenery when enjoy sunset and at the same moment with moonrise, and sunrise on the next day. 
In the evening, if you lucky, the sun will give orange color charmed away in the sky. Sometimes, in Babi Island there are “false sunset” on five o’ clock. You can stay in the coast at night, with tent, while fishing, and then roast a fish, while see a shining stars. That is really excellent experience. This is the place when you can enjoy sunrise and sunset everyday. Babi Island serve scenery like a painting, some people said that Babi Island look like a piece of paradise that threw by angel to the earth. You don’t need a skill of photography or very good camera, every picture that you take here must become nice picture.
Artistic granit stones

Because of this island uninhabited, and the nature still original, this island is very nice place to camping and adventure. For you who want to camping, you were suggested to bring your own logistic necessary and water, because of Babi Island is uninhabited island and there are not water source. You must prepare lighting tools, like flashlight, and fire wood to make fire. And also must attentive with wild animal that usually dominated this small island. On the stone on some spot around Babi Island there are black and slippery mosses and really high, so you must climb it carefully. In the some part of the sea, you must walk carefully; because of there are many “bulu babi”, that can hurt skin. Another things that should to be warn when you want to stay outdoor here is “agas”. Agas is a small animal that often bite people and put their egg on the skin that caused injury in the skin.
Todays, most of the trip in Belitung has a one unity route, Lengkuas Island – Burung Island –Pasir Island – kelayang Island – Babi Island. The trip to Babi Island can began from Jakarta, West Java Province to Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung Province, by plane. Then from center of the city, you can access your transportation to Tanjung Kelayang or Tanjung Tinggi. Both of the dock are the most popular and nearest dock to Babi Island. The trip is followed by a motor boat, the only way to access Babi Island. The cost of boat rent is about 300.000 – 350.000 Rupiah per day. That is not including rent of a float and tools for snorkeling. If you don’t want to camp in this island, you must go back to Tanjung Kelayang or Tanjung Tinggi to stay in one of the hotels there, because in the Babi island there is not place to stay in.
Sunrise in Babi Island
That is the one more of hidden paradise in Indonesia, out of that; there are still many more attractive places in Indonesia. After read about Babi Island, what is your opinion? Babi Island is an interesting place, isn’t it? Are you interested to visit or enjoy your holiday in Babi Island?
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tempe Lake

For Indonesian, what' s appear in your mind when hear “tempe”? Yes, tempe is one of Indonesia traditional food. Tempe was made from soybean which fermented with yeast. But, this is not about that food. This is story about a lake in South Sulawesi province. Located in western of Wajo District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.About 7 kilometers from Sengkang city.
The extent of the lake is 13.000 hectare. At Tempe Lake, there are many freshwater species that rarely seen in another place. Maybe that is caused by location of Tempe Lake above the continental shelf of Australia an Asia. But, unfortunately, some of the species begin extinct.
In Tempe Lake we also can find an annual festival called “Maccera Tappareng”. This is a traditional ceremony to purify the lake. This ceremony began with cutting the cow, followed by the traditional attractions. All of ceremony partisipant wear “baju bodo”, a traditional clothes of Bugis Tribe.
Floating House at Tempe Lake
On the center of the lake, there are hundreds floating house owned by a local fisherman. Tourists can come stay at some floating house, together with the locals. Sunrise and sunset can be seen from this house. Also many kind of birds, flowers, and water grass that floating on the lake water. At night, we can see beautiful moon, while fishing.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Penjalin Island

This is an information about beautiful, small island in Indonesia. Penjalain Island is uninhabitant island that located in eastern of Tarempa Island, Anambas Islands, Riau Province. There are two route to go to this island. First, using a plane which go to airport in Tanjung pinang, a capital city of Riau Province. Then followed by small plane to Anambas Island airport, and then go to Penjalin Island using a boat. The alternative route is from Tanjung Pinang Airport, go to Tarempa Island, an island which also has a beautiful scenery. From Tarempa Island, the trip continued to Penjalin Island using a boat. By that two ways, this island could reach for about 12 hours.

The atmosphere on this island is quite and calm. Its beautiful scenery is attractive, and surrounded by calm sea water. The sea water is unique, on one side is dark blue, and on another side is light blue. Penjalin's beach has white sands, in one side of the beach we can see an artistic pile of granite.
Penjalin Island has great diving spot. We can diving and snorkling to enjiy its beautiful marine scenery. We can see healhty coral reefs, parrot fish, angel fish, bat fish, and suddenly, eel moray.
On the evening, if we're lucky we can see a green turtle or hawksbill turtle. They usually  On Penjalin's sea water, as far as the eye could see tiny islands appear. Now, do you want to go to Penjalin Island ?