Thursday, March 29, 2012

Nusalaut Island

Nusalaut's marine park
Nusalaut is an island located in Noth Maluku Province. This island also known as Anyo-Anyo Island. Nusalut's topography is hilly as same as Ambelau Island's topography. On the Maluku Legend, Nusalaut was believed to be Ambelau's older brother. Village in this island located in the coast region. If you want to visit Nusalaut, but you don't want to go there by longboat, you could be by road. But, this road still bad and bumpy, only could through by two-wheeled vehicles.
Actually, Nusalaut well known by foreign tourists,they often visit there on September till April. This because of in Ameth Village many tourist want to see marine park. In this island also found object of cultural heritage, like old church, a statue of the hero Martha Christina Tijahahu, and old ford.
On this island, can be found in the form of plant spices cloves and nutmeg to reach thousands of hectares. These results make the Europeans and colonists came to Indonesia and to the Maluku. Nusalaut Island is born place of Indonesian National hero, Martha Christina Tijahahu, that's why there are a statue of her.
In other hand, Nusalaut has beautiful nature scenery and attractive marine park. Route to go to Nusalaut Island is by plane to go to Ambon. Then followed by trip to Tulehu Harbour, and go to Nusalaut Island by boat.

Reef in Nusalaut's sea

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